A new 40 minute A/V experience composed by Daniel Burke ©2023 FiniteMaterialContext

FLOAT: An appreciation of water in all its forms: liquid, vapor, solid. An homage to the magic stuff that makes us and makes our imperiled garden planet. Pure form sounds: water only as source material transformed via sampling, granular synthesis, and processing, eventually becoming less pure with additional sound sources. A program that seeks a sense of transcendence through immersion in the material nature of our being.

FLOAT release forthcoming CD/DL on Full Spectrum Records
Mastered by Andrew Weathers
Binaural recording by Russell Gillespie from premier performance 11/4/23 at Elastic Arts Chicago
#acousmatic #modernclassicalmusic #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #fieldrecording #watersounds #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #noisemusic #darkambient #noise #postindustrialmusic #musicconcrète #illusionofsafety #illusionofsafety1983
Since 1983, on the labels Complacency, Die Stadt, Experimedia, Odd Size, Silent, Soleilmoon, Staalplaat, Tesco, Korm, Drone, no part of it, and Waystyx Daniel Burke and his conspirators under the Illusion Of Safety banner have traversed over the course of 40+ full length releases almost every facet of the avant sound plane, from early industrial pop deconstruction to blindingly minimal sound art to densely surreal found-sound collage, each unique approach bending and reconstituting the expectations and possibilities of each realm. Plowing through layered field recordings, deeply rumbling tones, and eerie electroacoustic sounds with seamless transitions between cut-and-paste collages and manufactured drones, it’s easy to get lost in the deep passages. It’s a surreal trip mixing outsourced sounds from all over the world and encompassing everything: abstract analogue synthesizer explorations, chaotic digital noise and voltage fluctuations, generating excitement in the bowels of analog equipment, raucous guitar improvisation, rattle and chilling moan of iron sheets, the creaking floorboards, resonances, fluctuations, scraps of samples is in perpetual motion background- Driven with all this by some miracle , the author creates a monumental music, nervous, anxiety-soaked, but at the same time, disturbing & attention-grabbing, creating a powerful hypnotic effect……. the sounds scatter in all directions, like circles on the water, but at the same time, remain the basis of a continuous, almost ritual, form easily detectable, or, conversely, only slightly palpable. Performing over 300 live concerts throughout Europe and the states included No Fun 2008, the Wroclaw Industrial Music Festival 2009, Sonic Circuits in 2010, and In collaboration with Shen Wei Dance Arts in 2011 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. Outside of IOS Burke has collaborated with Jim O’Rourke, Jon Mueller, Randy Greif, Darin Gray, Z’EV, Cheer-Accident, Thomas Dimuzio, Kevin Drumm, Bill Horist, and others.